One of the amazing benefits of plant-based eating is the wide variety of fresh fruits and veggies we get to try.
Are Natural Flavors Food?
When reading a list of ingredients, it’s pretty easy to skim right over “natural flavors.” It sounds so innocuous. It has the word “natural” and it’s just “flavor.” So how bad can it be?
Is Game Changers Right About Protein?
The question about getting enough protein is the first thing the documentary Game Changers addresses with good reason. Both athletes and non-athletes are very concerned that if they eat plant-based they either won’t get enough protein or that they will have to carefully count and balance amino acids.
Eggs – The ANTI-Health Food
Blogs, Dieting, Plant-Based, Protein
We thought it might be helpful for you to have a few of the top reasons eggs are not a great choice all in one place.
Eggs are the most concentrated source of cholesterol in the American diet
Can You Spot Fake Food?
Blogs, Dieting, Plant-Based, Uncategorized
Anything created, designed and marketed to make a company money. They are responsible to their shareholders. Your health is your problem.
Happy Guts Don’t Bloat
While the initial bacteria you get is determined at birth, there are several things you can do that either help or hurt the health and diversity of your gut garden.
Protein And Muscle Building
Blogs, Dieting, Plant-Based, Protein
It’s an interesting fallacy that muscle can be built in the kitchen or simply by drinking protein shakes.
Daily Green Smoothie Danger
Blogs, Dieting, Juicing, Plant-Based
Green smoothies are a common way for people to sneak in their greens every day. As you know, we recommend you always chew your food, because chewing is the first step in good digestion.
Are Nightshades Bad?
You might have heard that NFL quarterback Tom Brady doesn’t eat nightshades. He even has a book outlining a whole host of things he doesn’t eat and why. While I would take advice on being an NFL quarterback from him, I would decidedly NOT take nutrition advice from him.
Athletes Are Going Plant Based. Can It Help You?
We are starting to hear a lot about pro-athletes moving towards or being plant based. Tennis champions like Venus Williams and Novak Djokovic, Formula 1 driver Lewis Hamilton, several of the NFL’s Tennessee Titans and of course, women’s soccer player Alex Morgan.
Be A Health Sleuth
We’ve collected a few tips to help you decide who to believe and to educate yourself against the lies and money grabbing done at the expense of your health.
Veggies To Eat Cooked
Vegetables are a great food. Any way you can get yourself to eat more of them, do that. We tend to eat more raw foods in the summer months, who wants to work over a hot stove if you don’t have to? In the winter we love hearty, hot casserole dishes.
The Low Down On Plant Milks
Blogs, Dieting, Plant-Based, Protein
We get asked how to replace cow’s milk pretty regularly. There was a time when I (Dr Robyn) drank milk by the large glass, sometimes with Nesquik added to it.
The Tiny Plant That Kills Cancer Cells
Sulforaphane is an amazing compound. It reduces CRP levels in smokers, protects against cartilage damage, slows osteoarthritis, kills breast and prostate cancer cells, reduces oxidative stress and has been shown to help with autism. That’s a lot of goodness from a plant compound.
Eating While Traveling
But now you have to go out of town – business, pleasure, family (is that business or pleasure?). It doesn’t matter. The reality is the same – it’s hard to eat well when you are out of your zone.
The Best Sweetener To Choose
Blogs, Dieting, Plant-Based, Sugar, Uncategorized
Our taste buds respond positively to the taste of sweet from the moment we are born. And for good reason, sweetness indicates calories and calories are what keep us alive.
Nine Tips To Get Good Service At A Restaurant
Eating out can be a challenge when you want to eat the Whole Food Muscle Way. Most menus have nothing on them, except maybe a salad, that isn’t slathered in animal products and oil.
Good Sources Of Iron
Blogs, Dieting, Plant-Based, Supplements, Vitamins
You might have thought I was going to talk about going to the gym and pumping iron or maybe how you get wrinkles out of clothing or even iron ore. But those are different types of iron deficiency than we are addressing today.
It’s NOT About Compliance
Blogs, Dieting, Plant-Based, Uncategorized
The world of dieting seems to be filled with rules and regulations. Eat this. Not that. This is good for you. This is bad for you. This counts. This doesn’t. Willpower is a must. Failure is always lurking. Everywhere you look there are things you can succeed or fail at. Judgment abounds.
The Power Of Denial
Blogs, Dieting, Intermittent Fasting, Plant-Based
Humans have an incredible power to see only what they want to see and deny any information to the contrary. If all else fails, justify, justify, justify.