Spruce Up Your Lemonade

Spruce Up Your Lemonade

We’ve all heard of strawberry lemonade. But that’s so twenty years ago! Summer is on its way so let’s get creative with this favorite deck-sitting drink

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Pros and Cons of Microwaves – is using a microwave safe?

Pros and Cons of Microwaves – is using a microwave safe?

There are often heated (pun intended) conversations online about microwave use. One camp believes microwaving food sucks all the nutrients out of it. Another claims that microwave radiation causes brain cancer. And then there is the crowd saying microwaves are fine and everyone needs to get a grip.

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The Risk of Lead in Bone Broth

The Risk of Lead in Bone Broth

The Risk of Lead in Bone Broth – Because of Covid-19/the novel coronavirus (nCoV) there has been A LOT of information online this week about how to stay healthy. If you haven’t gotten the memo – WASH YOUR HANDS!

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Are Natural Flavors Food?

Are Natural Flavors Food?

When reading a list of ingredients, it’s pretty easy to skim right over “natural flavors.” It sounds so innocuous. It has the word “natural” and it’s just “flavor.” So how bad can it be?

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Arsenic in Rice

Arsenic in Rice

It could also be said that arsenic is a naturally occurring compound in the earth and our bodies are pretty good at eliminating it through our urine.

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Is Game Changers Right About Protein?

Is Game Changers Right About Protein?

The question about getting enough protein is the first thing the documentary Game Changers addresses with good reason. Both athletes and non-athletes are very concerned that if they eat plant-based they either won’t get enough protein or that they will have to carefully count and balance amino acids.

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Are Nightshades Bad?

Are Nightshades Bad?

You might have heard that NFL quarterback Tom Brady doesn’t eat nightshades. He even has a book outlining a whole host of things he doesn’t eat and why. While I would take advice on being an NFL quarterback from him, I would decidedly NOT take nutrition advice from him.

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Chocolate Milk After Exercise

Chocolate Milk After Exercise

Last week I noticed the guy swimming laps in the lane next to me had a bottle of chocolate milk sitting on the edge of the pool. I always have my water bottle so that he had a beverage wasn’t what struck me. It was that it was chocolate milk.

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