Here's What You're Getting:

  1. Step-by-Step Guidance & Support:
    How to build muscle with a whole food, plant-based diet... how to build muscle & be your plant-based personal best!
  2.  100+ Whole Food Muscle Videos: 
    The largest and most complete whole food muscle video library. You get quick tips, ideas, motivation, inspiration, and we even share our bloopers. (New videos added about weekly).
  3. Whole Food Muscle Community:
    Ask questions, share your successes, challenges and suggestions, and even chat with other WFM members. (This page is like a Facebook group but without Zuck spying on us.)
  4. LIVE Monthly "Ask Us Anything" Q&A Session: 
    Join us at 7:00 PM ET every third Tuesday, and ask your questions live or send them questions prior to the event. If you can't make it live, no worries. The replay will be posted in the members section so you can watch it at your convenience.
  5. Whole Food Muscle Meal Plans:
    Over 365 complete meal plans! You get a full year of RnR whole food muscle and exercise journals. See everything they eat and their exercise routines from one complete year - use this to plan ALL your own whole food muscle meals and workouts! Speaking of Meal Plans...
  6. Whole Food Muscle Recipes:
    Don't leave your whole food muscle journey to chance! Dr. Robyn and Russ’ recipe reviews – Recipes we’ve tried, whether we will make them again (or not), how hard they are to make and our general thoughts. Nothing held back, understand what to eat and why to eat it!
  7. Dr. Robyn’s Notes and Quotes:
    All the notes from Dr. Robyn's research - you can read the highlights and decide if you want to spend time reading or watching the source. What’s new on N&Q is included in the weekly RnR Journey Review.
  8. No long-term obligations:
    Stay as long as you like, watch the videos over and over as many times as you like, enjoy all the reviews and recipes. Plus, you can cancel at anytime... although I'm not sure why you ever would! 🙂