Daily Green Smoothie Danger

Daily Green Smoothie Danger

Green smoothies are a common way for people to sneak in their greens every day. As you know, we recommend you always chew your food, because chewing is the first step in good digestion.

Eating Breakfast Out

Eating Breakfast Out

Creating a reasonably healthy meal from restaurant offerings is a challenge in general. But breakfast seems to be particularly daunting.

Are Nightshades Bad?

Are Nightshades Bad?

You might have heard that NFL quarterback Tom Brady doesn’t eat nightshades. He even has a book outlining a whole host of things he doesn’t eat and why. While I would take advice on being an NFL quarterback from him, I would decidedly NOT take nutrition advice from him.

Chocolate Milk After Exercise

Chocolate Milk After Exercise

Last week I noticed the guy swimming laps in the lane next to me had a bottle of chocolate milk sitting on the edge of the pool. I always have my water bottle so that he had a beverage wasn’t what struck me. It was that it was chocolate milk.

Athletes Are Going Plant Based. Can It Help You?

Athletes Are Going Plant Based. Can It Help You?

We are starting to hear a lot about pro-athletes moving towards or being plant based. Tennis champions like Venus Williams and Novak Djokovic, Formula 1 driver Lewis Hamilton, several of the NFL’s Tennessee Titans and of course, women’s soccer player Alex Morgan.

The Calories-In-Calories-Out Lie

The Calories-In-Calories-Out Lie

I see it everywhere. People saying that losing weight is simply a matter of eating fewer calories than you burn. They say it doesn’t matter what you eat or when you eat, only how many calories are in it and how many calories you burn.

Be A Health Sleuth

Be A Health Sleuth

We’ve collected a few tips to help you decide who to believe and to educate yourself against the lies and money grabbing done at the expense of your health.

Veggies To Eat Cooked

Veggies To Eat Cooked

Vegetables are a great food. Any way you can get yourself to eat more of them, do that. We tend to eat more raw foods in the summer months, who wants to work over a hot stove if you don’t have to? In the winter we love hearty, hot casserole dishes.

The Low Down On Plant Milks

The Low Down On Plant Milks

We get asked how to replace cow’s milk pretty regularly. There was a time when I (Dr Robyn) drank milk by the large glass, sometimes with Nesquik added to it.

How Stress Stops Weight Loss And Causes Weight Gain

How Stress Stops Weight Loss And Causes Weight Gain

Most of us are over-scheduled, burnt out, have responsibility to make things happen but not the authority to actually do them and exhausted. Cortisol, a stress hormone, courses through our bodies almost constantly.

Tips To Keep Your Brain Sharp

Tips To Keep Your Brain Sharp

It is often assumed that the human brain gets slower and becomes less sharp as it ages. There are even studies suggesting that the cognitive decline can start as early as our late 20s or early 30s. By the time we get to our 80s, fifty percent of us struggle with memory loss.

Et tu Brute Salad Dressing Recipe

Et tu Brute Salad Dressing Recipe

If you are looking to replace the mayonnaise, cheese and anchovy fat and cholesterol bomb that is Caesar dressing with something substantially more health friendly, this will fill the bill.

Dr Robyn is a former competitive volleyball player turned psychologist with continuing education in nutrition. Russ is a former competitive bodybuilder and trainer on the Mr. Olympia Tour. They are the co-founders of Whole Food Muscle and the authors of How to Feed a Human The Whole Food Muscle Way. To work with them one on one to improve your health and fitness or to have them speak at your event or organization email them at Health@RnRJourney.com.